Regardless of the used KNX interface TP or NetIP up
to 18 sensors can be connected to the UNIKLIMA® vario if fully equipped.
These 18 sensors each have 5 KNX object data points for the single
intervals of measurement (seconds, minutes, hours, day, flexible
measurement interval), as well as 6 digital inputs and outputs.
Additionally, 20 items of system information of the weather station are
A selection of 70 different sensors is available with
the corresponding KNX data point types, such as
barometric pressure, air temperature,
humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, radiation etc.
Sensor (German) |
Sensor(English) |
DPT name und unit |
Absolute Luftfeuchte [g/m³] |
Absolute humidity [g/m³] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
Analog [%] |
Analog [%] |
5.001 |
DPT_Scaling [0..100%] |
Ausgang [sec] |
Digital output [sec] |
9.010 |
DPT_Value_Time1 [s] |
Azimut(N) Sonne [°] |
Azimut(N) sun [°] |
5.003 |
DPT_Angle [0…360°] |
Beleuchtungsstärke [Lux] |
Illuminance [Lux] |
9.004 |
DPT_Value_Lux [Lux] |
Blattnässe [%] |
Leaf wetness [%] |
5.001 |
DPT_Scaling [0..100%] |
Blattnässedauer [sec] |
Leaf wetness duration [sec] |
9.010 |
DPT_Value_Time1 [s] |
Bodentemperatur [°C] |
Soil temperature [°C] |
9.001 |
DPT_Value_Temp [°C] |
Deponietemperatur [°C] |
Dump temperature [°C] |
9.001 |
DPT_Value_Temp [°C] |
Diffuse Strahlung [W/m²] |
Diffuse radiation [W/m²] |
14 | 4-Octet Float Value |
Echter Hopfenmehltau [TA] |
Hop powdery mildew [Day] |
14 |
2-Octet Unsigned Value |
Eingang [sec] |
Digital input [sec] |
9.010 |
DPT_Value_Time1 [s] |
Elektroenergie-Kanal [W] |
Electro energy channel [W] |
14.056 |
DPT_Value_Power [W] |
Error |
Error |
14 | 2-Octet Unsigned Value |
Feuchttemperatur [°C] |
Temp. wet calculated [°C] |
9.001 |
DPT_Value_Temp [°C] |
Formelinterpreter |
Formula interpreter |
14 | 4-Octet Float Value |
Frequenz [Hz] |
Frequency [Hz] |
14.033 |
DPT_Value_Frequency [Hz] |
Nasstemperatur [°C] |
Frost temperature [°C] |
9.001 |
DPT_Value_Temp [°C] |
Gas [m³] |
Gas [m³] |
14.076 |
DPT_Value_Volume [m³] |
Globalstrahlung [W/m²] |
Solar radiation [W/m²] |
14 | 4-Octet Float Value |
Globalstrahlung CMP [W/m²] |
Solar radiation CMP [W/m²] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
GS1 ohne Glas [W/m²] |
SR1 without glass [W/m²] |
14 | 4-Octet Float Value |
GS2 hinter Glas [W/m²] |
SR2 behind glass [W/m²] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
Höhenwinkel Sonne [°] |
Altitude(N) sun [°] |
14.007 |
DPT_Value_AngleDeg [°] |
Hopfenindex |
Hop index |
14 |
2-Octet Unsigned Value |
Künstl.Bewässerung [mm] |
Artificial irrigation [mm] |
9.026 |
DPT_Rain_Amount [l/m²] |
Luftdichte [g/m³] |
Air density [g/m³] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
Luftdruck [Pa] |
Barometric pressure [Pa] |
9.006 |
DPT_Value_Pres [Pa] |
Lufttemperatur [°C] |
Temperature [°C] |
9.001 |
DPT_Value_Temp [°C] |
Max. absol. Luftfeuchte [g/m³] |
Max. absolute humidity [g/m³] |
14 | 4-Octet Float Value |
Max. Dauerstromstärke [A] |
Max. permanent current [A] |
14.019 |
DPT_Value_Electric_Current [A] |
Niederschlag [mm] |
Precipitation [mm] |
9.026 |
DPT_Rain_Amount [l/m²] |
Niederschlag manuell [mm] |
Precipitation manually [mm] |
9.026 |
DPT_Rain_Amount [l/m²] |
Niederschlagsdauer [sec] |
Precitipation duration [sec] |
9.010 |
DPT_Value_Time1 [s] |
NR-Intensität [Imp/min] |
Precit.-intensity [imp/min] |
14 |
2-Octet Unsigned Value |
Ortsdosisleistung [nSv/h] |
Gamma Dose Rate [nSv/h] |
14 | 4-Octet Float Value |
Ozon [µA] |
Ozone [µA] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
PAR-Strahlung [µA] |
PAR radiation [µA] |
14 | 4-Octet Float Value |
Pegel [cm] |
Level [cm] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
Phar-Strahlung [µmol/m²s] |
Phar radiation [µmol/m²s] |
14 | 4-Octet Float Value |
Photovoltaik [µA] |
Photo voltaic [µA] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
Psychrotemp.naß [°C] |
Temperature wet [°C] |
9.001 |
DPT_Value_Temp [°C] |
Psychtemp.trocken [°C] |
Temperature dry [°C] |
9.001 |
DPT_Value_Temp [°C] |
Radioaktivität [nGy/h] |
Radioactivity [nGy/h] |
14 | 4-Octet Float Value |
Relais [sec] |
Relay [sec] |
9.010 |
DPT_Value_Time1 [s] |
Relative Luftfeuchte [%] |
Relative humidity [%] |
9.007 |
DPT_Value_Humidity [%] |
Sättigungsdampfdruck Eis [hPa] |
Satur. vapor press. ice [hPa] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
Sättigungsdampfdruck H20 [hPa] |
Satur. vapor press. H2O [hPa] |
14 | 4-Octet Float Value |
Sonnenscheindauer [sec] |
Sunshine duration [sec] |
9.010 |
DPT_Value_Time1 [s] |
Spannung [mV] |
Voltage [mV] |
9.020 |
DPT_Value_Volt [mV] |
Strom [µA] |
Current [µA] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
Taupunkt-Temperat. [°C] |
Dew point temperature [°C] |
9.001 |
DPT_Value_Temp [°C] |
UV-Strahlung [W/m²] |
UV radiation [W/m²] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
Verdunstung (Haude) [mm] |
Evaporation (Haude) [mm] |
14 | 4-Octet Float Value |
Verdunstung berechnet [mm] |
Evaporation calculated [mm] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
Wärmeleistung [W] |
Warmth power [W] |
14.056 |
DPT_Value_Power [W] |
Wasserbilanz [mm] |
Water balance [mm] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
Wind-Chill-Index [°C] |
Wind chill index [°C] |
9.001 |
DPT_Value_Temp [°C] |
Windgeschwindigkeit (K) [kts] |
Wind speed (kts) [kts] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
Windgeschwindigkeit [m/s] |
Wind speed [m/s] |
9.005 |
DPT_Value_Wsp [m/s] |
Windhöhe [°] |
Wind elevation angle [°] |
14.007 |
DPT_Value_AngleDeg [°] |
Wind-Leistung [kW] |
Wind power [kW] |
9.024 |
DPT_Power [kW] |
Windmaximum (K) [kts] |
Wind maximum (kts) [kts] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
Windmaximum [m/s] |
Wind maximum [m/s] |
9.005 |
DPT_Value_Wsp [m/s] |
Windrichtung [°] |
Wind direction [°] |
5.003 |
DPT_Angle [0…360°] |
Windstärke [Bf] |
Wind force [Bf] |
20.014 |
DPT_Beaufort_Wind_Force_Scale |
Wind-Volumenstrom [m³/s] |
Wind volume [m³/s] |
14 |
4-Octet Float Value |
Zeit [sec] |
Time [sec] |
9.010 |
DPT_Value_Time1 [s] |
The PC software tool ETS
(Engineering Tool Software) allows the planning, design and starting.
Project database file of the UNIKLIMA®
vario for the ETS to