The Welte scab module represents an additional module to the software
UK_TOSS, that
determines an apple scab prognosis on the basis of the meteorological data
registered with the standard version according to the model of Herbert Welte (D – Tettnang).
Models / parameters
hourly values of the climatic parameters air temperature, relative
humidity, precipitation and leaf wetness are the design fundamentals.
specifying the apple scab prognosis however still further factors are
consulted, like the infestation of the previous year, sort susceptibility,
the sprouting property and above all the development of spores.
Thus the critical phases can be limited and the user is given an aid
during the optimization of the spray application.
calculation begins with the start of the flight of Asco-spores. A set of
parameters (ripeness time, ejection after rains, day / night) allows the
watching over the development of Asco-spores. The potential of available
spores at Asco-spores or later at Konidien represents the basic condition
for the determination of the infection potential for an apple scab
infection. The duration of leaf wetness necessary for an infection can be
determined alternatively according to the tables of
parameters are freely definable and are exactly described in an extensive
help function.