Electronic firm booklet

  • Automatic production of the firm booklet for the IP in printed form or in form of tables for further electronic processing

  • Creation of reports over actions for the separate agricultural areas

  • Analysis of the actions for all areas

  • Expenditure analyses in the form of diagrams

  • Cost analysis of the IP actions

  • Areareferred analysis of the costs (e.g. for sprays, fertilizers)

  • Automatic creation that pheromone - / visual trap diagrams

     Order number
  • 30480

The electronic firm booklet represents a complex data base program for the creation of the firm booklet for integrated production (IP).
In connection with the program package UK_TOSS data for spray applications, which are input during the plant pest monitoring, can be transferred automatically to the electronic firm booklet, in order to avoid the double input expenditure.



The program operates on the basis of agricultural areas. All data or actions relevant for the IP are area referred stored therefore. This permits an analysis of used means and cost per area as well as for the sum of areas.
For the protection of the in-house data is possible a user-referred assignment of writing and reading rights for the separate data. Besides a password can be assigned to each separate year's table.
Once entered areas can be taken over for subsequent years and according be possibly be adapted afterwards to the current conditions.
To the individual areas all data relevant for the IP are entered annually. To these data belong among other things

  • Squirting

  • Leaf fertilization

  • Soil fertilization

  • Fruit thinning

  • Tree strip maintenance

  • Mechanical soil care

  • Bio technical actions

  • Stock monitoring (visual traps, fruit wood samples, results of the harming exciter monitoring / reasons)

     Representation / Data output

The individual actions can be output pre-selected (e.g. over conditions) in report form per area or for all impacts. For expenditure analyses diagrams can be created, in order to represent the quantity or the costs of the yielded means.

As result of the annual work with the program the in tabular form (as files) on diskette or fixed disk can be output and become afterwards these files ,e.g., can be sent over the mailbox function of UK_Electronic Firm Bocklet can be output however also further in printed form.


     System requirements
wisely together with Software UK_TOSS, but also executable without a weather station

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