By the module formula interpreter any new sensors can be calculated using
freely editable, complex formulas, and be put into the data pool. Basis
is weather data of the flexible measured values memory of UNIKLIMA
weather stations retrieved by UK_TOSS. Therefore this module only can be
used in connection with UK_TOSS Standard. At "Sensor input assignment"
up to 20 input sensors x0…x19 can be defined. The
up to 20 output sensors or interim values y0…y19 are defined at "Sensor
output assignment".
For the calculation of a yn all assigned x values and y values
previously calculated by the formula interpreter (e.g. yn-1).
The following mathematical operators, functions and constants are
- +, - , *, /, ^ (Potenz), sqrt (Quadratwurzel)
- max, min, abs
- sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan
- ln, log, log2
- pi
Interlaced parenthesises are possible, e.g. ((a+b)+c)*d.
The following logical functions are available:
- a<=b : 1 if a<=b, otherwise 0
- a>b : 1 if a>b, otherwise 0
a and b must be real numbers, input values (x0…x19)
or values previously calculated by the formula interpreter (y0..
By activation of the corresponding option the formula interpreter is
executed after each data retrieval and does all necessary calculations.
A manually triggered calculation over any chosen calculation period is
possible, as well.