UNIKLIMA® - software

Further information about the software, you receive on the data sheets of the software or of their additional modules.

     UNIKLIMA® - software modules
  Automatic Excel and Graphics Exporter with Web/FTP Uploader (No. 30700)
  Formula interpreter (No. 30810)
  Wind module (No. 30430)
  Energy module (No. 30420)
  Mixing module (No. 30410)
  Plant protection module 1 - Apple scab + temperature sum (No. 30310)
  Plant protection module 2 - Fire blight  (Erwinia amylovora) (No. 30320)
  Plant protection module 3 - Peronospora  (No. 30460)
  Plant protection module 4 - Vine mildew (Oidium) (No. 30465)
  Plant protection module 5 - apple scab prognosis according to Welte (No. 30490)
  Plant protection spray module (No. 30450)
  True hop mildew according to Engelhard (No. 30495)
  Electronic firm booklet  (No. 30480)
  Frost warning module (No. 30470)
  Water balance (No. 30440)

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